
Two women seated in a conference room talking about their employment law needs

Gunderson Employment Law Has Suspended Taking On New Employee Cases

Sorry. It feels like we’re operating at or maybe even over our capacity now, and it’s imperative we provide good service to our existing clients.

This is a painful decision for me to make but the firm’s resources are stretched to their limit. To take on new contingency matters would stretch me past the point where I can do a good job for the people I’ve already made commitments to. I love helping people out, and at the same time I want to do a good job for them.

Therefore, I am only considering taking on new matters for severance reviews (please click here for a description of that service and the associated fees) or appropriate employer clients. If you’re another attorney who is interested in discussing referring a new matter to me, I’m very flattered in your trust in me, and please feel free to call or e-mail me and I’m happy to talk over what I can do.

You don’t understand. My case is very important and I need legal help!

I’m so sorry. I need to balance my time between my active case obligations and other demands on my time, and I just don’t have the ability to take on new cases for a while.

Can you give me a reference to someone else?

The Oregon State Bar’s lawyer referral service can be found by clicking HERE.

A list of local lawyer referral services in California can be found by clicking HERE.

Several attorney referral and other legal resources for Washington State can be found by clicking HERE.

The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries can be contacted by clicking HERE.

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing can be contacted by clicking HERE.

The Washington State Human Rights Commission can be contacted by clicking HERE.

Although I provide information for contacting legal and relevant governmental resources in Washington here as a service to people with employment issues there, I am not admitted to practice law in that state and generally do not take on litigated cases in Washington.

When will you be able to take a look at my case?

I can’t be sure. Please feel free to check back here from time to time; this website will be updated when I am in a position to evaluate new cases.

So why is your intake form is still here?

For technical reasons it’s a lot easier for me to leave it up than to take it down and put it back later. As I note above, there are certain categories of matters I will consider, so if you have a severance offer you’d like my assistance in evaluating and responding to, or if you represent an employer in need of legal assistance, this form is available to reach out to me. Regardless, filling out this form does not create an attorney-client relationship.

Thank you for your understanding and I look forward to being able to consider new employee cases again, hopefully soon.